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What Are Some Core Values Of Healthy Churches?

Core values of healthy churches
What Are Some Core Values Of Healthy Churches? 2

Are you curious about what makes a church truly healthy? Discover the core values that empower communities to thrive spiritually and relationally. From duplicating servants who train the next generation of leaders to inspiring worship services that ignite passion, healthy churches are built on principles that foster growth and connection. Explore how functional structures, gift-oriented ministries, and loving relationships create an environment where every member can flourish. Join us as we delve into the essential elements that not only strengthen faith but also transform lives and communities. Your journey to understanding healthy church dynamics starts here!

1) Duplicating Servants (Mark 3:13-19; 2 Timothy 2:2)

This means healthy churches are committed to having every worker duplicate themselves by recruiting and training other reliable people. The goal of the training is to produce people who are better than one’s self. When this happens people work themselves out of a job and are freed up to carry on other vital functions. Also, the new servant of God is taught how to produce other workers who help the ministry progress forward in the years to come.

2) Empowering Christians (Ephesians 4:11-16)

This means healthy churches release Christians to do ministry, establish the organization, troubleshoot problems, and creatively accomplish the purpose of their ministry. Leaders are like coaches who are there to prepare the peoples (players) for the game (ministry). This means leaders are not to play the game for them, but they are to be in support of them as they fulfill God’s call and gifting in their lives.

3) Functional Structures (Exodus 18:13-23)

This means healthy churches set up organizational meetings and leadership structures in such a way that promotes an ongoing multiplication of ministry and leaders. Also, it makes possible for ministries to grow rather than be controlled by a spiritual hierarchy that stunts growth. The results will be that we have fewer committee meetings and more ministry activities and relationship building. The actual organization and troubleshooting is done by those working or leading a particular ministry.

4) Gift-Oriented Ministries (1 Corinthians 12)

This means healthy churches are committed to helping leaders discover their gifts and release them to use their gifts in area of ministry that fits them best. When believers do ministry on a consistent basis according to their spiritual and natural giftings they tend to operate more on God s strength rather than their own, because the Holy Spirit empowers what He has uniquely gifted people for.

5) Small Discipleship Groups (Acts 2:42-47, Matthew 28:18-20)

This means healthy churches are committed to having many types of small discipleship groups. Also, these groups allow members to bring up issues and questions that are of immediate personal concerns, receive accountability and opportunity to develop quality relationships and experience more intimate worship, evangelism training and challenge to start their own discipleship group-thus obey the Great Commission to make disciples who make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).

6) Inspiring Worship Services (Acts 2: 42-47)

This means healthy churches have worship gatherings filled with the presence and work of the Holy Spirit. When this happens God will have a powerful effect on people s lives and the way our worship service is conducted. Also, people won’t come to church out of duty, but out of joy and a sense of privilege to be in the presence of God and be touched by Him.

7) Loving Relationships (1 Corinthians 13)

This means healthy churches want to love by practical means such as being patient, encouraging, meek, prayerful, hospitable, communicative, forgiving, and sharing of material resources with each other. When we do this non-Christians are encouraged to believe and Christians in the fellowship are built up and give thanks to God!

8) Spirit Empowered Evangelism (Luke 4:18-19)

This means healthy churches know that although not everyone is called to be an evangelist, every Christian is called to love non-Christians by ministering to them healing, resources, words of knowledge, and love. After establishing a relationship we see to it that they understand the gospel and are encouraged to make contact with a local church so they can enter into discipleship relationships.

9) Passionate Spirituality (Revelation 3:14-22)

This means that disciples in healthy churches are “One Fire for Jesus” due to a life of consistent dependency and intimacy with Him. Intimacy and dependency is developed through personal and corporate prayer, Bible intake, meditation, fellowship, praise and active obedience to His Word and Spirit.

10) Sound Biblical Teaching (2 Timothy 2:15; 4:1-5)

This means in healthy churches Bible teachers are committed to interpreting the Bible as correctly as possible by prayerfully considering the historical and biblical context, the purpose for the book, grammar and thought structure. When we do this, we believe our application of the Bible will be more accurate and thus lead to a more proper lifestyle and thinking. Sound doctrine was important to Jesus Christ and the apostles, so it must be important to us.


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