A Guide to Choosing the Right Career Counselor


How are you doing with your current career? Do you love your role? Or are you trying to pull it together?

You’re not alone. A Harvard Business Review article said that young adults struggle to launch their careers. Compared to older generations, they have no straightforward career goals. Requirements, certifications, and experience for entry-level positions also hold some roadblocks for 65% of students, making it harder for them to secure a job. 

If you have rollercoaster emotions about your current job or goals, you might consider seeking the services of a career counselor. A career counselor will help clarify your career goals and work with you on the necessities in finding a job, like building a resume or cover letter. They can also provide guidance if you plan on transitioning to another industry.  

In this article, you’ll learn more about finding the right career counselor that is suitable for your career desires. 

What is a Career Counselor?

What does a career counselor do? 

career counselor is a professional who helps clients determine and achieve their career goals. Career counselors work in different areas of employment, like workshops on how to effectively build a resume or cover letter or assess strategies for seeking employment. 

Here’s a more comprehensive service of career counselors at Impact Family

  • Assess client’s knowledge, interests, and skills to envision a suitable career
  • Develop resumes, cover letters, and portfolios 
  • Identify job opportunities in different platforms 
  • Conduct interviews as part of training
  • Overcome roadblocks such as stuttering
  • Unbiased recommendations for stronger credentials 

Why do I Need a Career Counselor?

There are many reasons why you need a career counselor right now. For instance, you may be fresh out of college and have no idea what path to take. You can also be thinking about transferring from one industry to another different career, which is often difficult. Career counselors at Impact Family are able to determine your goals and provide an actionable plan to achieve your desired career. 

Here are some instances of why you should find a career counselor: 

  • You’re nearing the end of your school year or just have graduated. 

If you’re months away from graduation, you might be feeling overwhelmed about what career to pursue. As a fresh graduate, it’s harder to secure a job, especially if you have no experience. Career counselors are able to help you plan for the job you’ll love, highlight your strengths and skills, and practice your communication skills for interviews. Often, career counselors can also refer you to their wide network for more job opportunities. 

  • You’re seeking a career transition.

Your first career isn’t your last and final one. Career changes are prominent but not everyone knows how to do it. Having a career counselor by your side can guide you to the right career path. 

  • Your goals have altered due to a significant change. 

Choosing a career counselor is essential if your career plans have changed. For instance, if you’re a woman and you work for a large conglomerate before giving birth, and now you want to work from home. Career counselors at Impact Family can discuss remote work opportunities for parents who crave work and life balance. They can explain how working online can sustain a family, without compromising time and money. 

How to Find the Right Career Counselor? 

  1. Ask for accreditation

Career counselors aren’t given accreditation, which means anyone can claim they are one. To better achieve your career goals, find career counselors with accreditation or certification, like career counselors at Impact Family.

  1. What service or approach do you need?

Career counselors offer their services in a package or session type. Determine what approach you need that matches your finances and goals. If you want to try career counselors at Impact Family, we offer individual sessions

  1. Ensure that you’re a match 

Choosing a career counselor that matches what you’re looking for is important. You need to be able to understand each other’s personalities and vibe. Some counselors will tell you directly what you need. Others may be subtle about it. Career counselors at Impact Family give unbiased advice on counseling sessions. 

Unlock Your Potential with Career Counselors at Impact Family

If you’re wondering whether to engage with a career counselor, it’s important to work with the right one. Working with a career counselor helps you gain a better understanding of yourself and where you belong in your profession, education, and life.

Ready to unlock your potential? Consider career counselors at Impact Family

About Impact Family 

Impact Family is a Christian Counseling Nonprofit Organization located in Pembroke Pines, Florida, a few miles north of Miami. As a Christ-Centered, Bible-Based, Non-Denominational Ministry, we believe God in His Grace wants to forgive, heal, and bless us more than we want it for ourselves. Our team of Christian counselors is ready to assist you. Book an online appointment today!