Plantation, Florida Christian Counselors, Coaches, Nutritionist, Therapist & Wellness Coaches

Christian Counselors and coaches

Plantation’s growing community is enriched by Christian counseling in wellness. This faith-based approach offers a supportive environment for individuals and families to explore their mental well-being and strengthen their faith. By integrating spiritual principles with therapy techniques, Christian counseling equips residents with the tools to overcome challenges, build stronger relationships, and achieve a greater sense of purpose.

Our Services

Client Benefits

We offer a variety of workshop formats to suit the specific needs of your church, whether you are a micro congregation or a mega church.

DALL·E 2024 07 05 15.05.20 A black Christian counselor coaching a black community in a church setting. The counselor is standing at the front speaking passionately and engaging
Integration of Faith and Values

Christian faith-based counseling incorporates your religious beliefs into the therapeutic process. This can be a huge benefit if your faith is a central part of your life and you want to explore challenges through that lens. The counselor can help you find strength and guidance in scripture, prayer, and forgiveness.

Focus on Spiritual Growth

 While traditional therapy focuses on mental health, Christian counseling can go a step further by addressing your spiritual well-being alongside your emotional well-being. This can provide a sense of purpose and hope, and help you find peace and comfort in your faith.

Wellness counselors
Focus on Forgiveness

Christian teachings emphasize the importance of forgiveness, both for oneself and others. A Christian counselor can help you work through feelings of anger, resentment, or guilt, and guide you towards a path of forgiveness that can bring healing and emotional freedom.

Host A Workshop At Your Church

By bringing in our counselors and speakers, you are contributing to the spiritual and emotional health of your congregation. We are dedicated to offering valuable, faith-centered perspectives and hands-on assistance customized to the specific requirements of your church community.

Why Choose Us?

Tailored Solutions

Customized Solutions

We tailor our counseling and workshop services specifically to address your unique and individual needs . Our approach ensures that your specific challenges, goals, and spiritual aspirations are met with personalized attention.

Our goal at Impact Family Christian Counseling & Wellness Center is to help you foster a vibrant, healthy church community. Get in touch with us right now to find out more about our workshops and how we can collaborate with you to help your congregation experience growth, healing, and transformation.