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It’s often said, humorously but with a grain of truth, that the first seven years are the make-or-break for marriages. As the saying goes, by that time you might as well “stick a fork in it, you’re done.” This sentiment, though exaggerated, highlights a common reality: many couples struggle significantly with communication. Given that men and women can have vastly different communication styles—women reportedly use three and a half times as many words as men in a day—the challenge of speaking a language that your partner not only understands but also appreciates is real. Let’s delve into some effective communication skills tailored to bridge the differences often found between husbands and wives.

Acknowledge the Differences

The first step in improving communication is acknowledging that differences exist. Men and women often have different ways of expressing themselves and different needs when it comes to communication. Men might typically prefer direct communication and might shy away from probing questions, especially those beginning with “why,” which can seem confrontational or imply dissatisfaction. Women, conversely, may value detailed conversation and emotional sharing to foster closeness.

Tip: Respect these differences. Encourage open discussions about each person’s communication style and preferences without judgment.

Create a Safe Space for Dialogue

For both partners to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings, creating a safe communication environment is crucial. This means establishing a time and place where both partners can discuss their thoughts without fear of criticism, dismissal, or contempt.

Tip: Set aside a time each day or week dedicated solely to checking in with each other. During these times, focus on listening and understanding rather than solving or debating.

Use Effective Questioning Techniques

While it’s suggested that women should refrain from asking too many questions, especially “why” questions, the key is not to stop questioning altogether but to learn how to ask questions more effectively. Questions can be powerful tools for understanding your partner better if used correctly.

Tip: Instead of asking “Why did you do that?”, which might sound accusatory, try framing questions in a more neutral, open-ended way: “Can you help me understand what led to that decision?”

Effective communication skills like good listening

Learn the Art of Listening

Effective communication is not just about talking; it’s equally about listening. Active listening involves paying full attention to what your partner is saying, understanding their message, responding appropriately, and remembering the information for the future.

Tip: Show that you are listening by nodding, making eye contact, and offering verbal affirmations or summaries of what your partner has said to confirm understanding.

Embrace Physical Expressions of Communication

Physical touch can be a powerful communicator and is often overlooked in discussions about communication skills. A gentle touch, a reassuring hug, or simply sitting close can communicate support and affection without words.

Tip: Understand each other’s comfort with physical touch. Some may find comfort in holding hands or a touch on the arm during difficult conversations.

Address and Resolve Conflicts

Conflict is inevitable, but how you handle it can make all the difference. Approaching conflicts as a team working towards a common solution rather than adversaries battling against each other is vital.

Tip: Use “I” statements instead of “you” statements to express how you feel about certain actions without making your partner feel attacked (e.g., “I feel upset when chores aren’t divided fairly” versus “You never do any housework”).


Effective communication in marriage requires effort, understanding, and a bit of strategy, especially considering the humorous yet poignant differences between genders. By acknowledging and respecting these differences, creating safe spaces for communication, asking questions effectively, listening actively, incorporating physical touch, and handling conflicts constructively, couples can enhance their communication skills and strengthen their marital bond. Remember, successful communication is not about winning an argument, but about winning over each other’s hearts and minds every day.


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