Session 6 – Biblical Approach to Counseling Sinfully Angry People (Sept 2011)
Instructor: Dr Ernie Baker
For twenty-five years, Dr. Ernie Baker served as a pastor and equipper of pastors and laymen in biblical counseling. Since 2005, he has been a Professor of Biblical Counseling at The Master’s College and is a certified conciliator with Peacemaker Ministries. He has Level II Certification with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors and is currently seeking Fellow status. He and his wife Rose Marie have been married since 1981 and are thankful parents of six children.
Event: Biblical Counseling and Discipleship Association of Southern California’s (BCDASoCal) 1st Annual Fall Basic Training Conference
Date: September 23-24, 2011 (1st of 3 weekends)
Host Location: The Bridge Bible Fellowship in Reseda, CA
This training fulfills the required 30 hours of basic training to become an ACBC certified counselor.