The Cross In China (Chinese Revival Story) – Part 1

The Cross In China (Chinese Revival Story) - Part 1

“The Cross in China (Chinese Revival Story) – Part 1” explores the beginnings of a powerful revival of Christianity in China, where faith has grown exponentially despite strict government regulations and persecution. The video highlights the resilience of the underground church and personal testimonies of Chinese Christians whose faith has thrived under challenging conditions.

This part focuses on how the revival was sparked by individuals deeply committed to their faith, willing to face significant personal risks. The movement is portrayed as being driven by the Holy Spirit, with house churches becoming key places of worship and spiritual growth. The revival has touched diverse groups across China—from rural farmers to urban professionals—uniting them in a shared belief in Jesus Christ.

A central theme is the contrast between the hardships faced by believers and the flourishing of their faith, showing that the spread of Christianity in China is not just a story of survival but of incredible spiritual growth and transformation. The video emphasizes the importance of prayer, perseverance, and a deep reliance on God’s power to sustain and grow the Christian community despite ongoing adversity.