💍 Ready to Tie the Knot in Florida? We’ve Got You Covered! 🌴
At Impact Family Christian Counseling and Wellness Center, we make getting married in Florida easier and more beneficial for you. Jack Hakimian is registered with Broward and Miami-Dade Counties as a Pre-Marital Course Provider. This means that couples who complete our counseling can skip the three-day waiting period and even save money on their marriage license fees! 💸 You can schedule with Jack individually or take a team approach with his wife, Jhael.
💡 Less Hassle, More Savings, A Stronger Start 💡
Imagine starting your marriage on the right foot with less hassle and more savings. Our counseling meets all state requirements and equips you with the tools for a successful and happy marriage. Whether you’re a Florida resident or just planning to get married here, we’re here to help.
📋 What You Need to Know:
🔍 Identification: Bring a valid government-issued photo ID, like a driver’s license or passport. No blood tests are required.
🔢 Social Security: If you have a Social Security number, bring it (no need for the card). Non-U.S. citizens can use their Alien Registration number or another form of ID.
💍 Previous Marriages: Been married before? Have the exact date of your last divorce, death, or annulment ready.
📅 Marriage License: Licenses are valid for 60 days, and you can get married anywhere in Florida. If you’re getting married out-of-state, you’ll need a license from that state.
👫 Age Requirements: Both parties must be 18 or older. If you’re 17, parental consent is required, and the other party can’t be older than two years.
🚀 Ready to Make It Official?
Skip the wait, save some cash, and start your marriage with the wisdom of our Christian counseling. Schedule your first session today and get on the fast track to wedded bliss! 💒
📲 Fill out our online application to speed up the process and learn more about our pre-engagement and pre-marital counseling services.
Impact Family Christian Counseling—where we help you build a strong foundation for a lifetime of love. 💖
💍 Broward County Marriage License Guide: Simple and Easy 🌟
Planning to get married in Broward County? Here’s everything you need to know, made simple! 👇
📝 Marriage License Basics
- Age Requirement: Both partners must be 18 or older to apply.
- Validity: Your Florida marriage license is valid anywhere in the state for 60 days. If you’re getting married outside Florida, get your license from that state or country.
- Residency: No need to be a Florida resident to apply for a license here.
📅 Pre-Marital Course & Waiting Period
- Florida Residents: You can either take a state-approved premarital course to skip the three-day waiting period or wait it out. The course also reduces your license fee to $61.
- Non-Florida Residents: No waiting period required.
- Find a Course: Use the Online Premarital Course Provider Directory to find a registered provider.
🆔 What You Need: Identification
- Bring a Valid ID: Acceptable IDs include a driver’s license, passport, military ID, or state-issued ID.
- Social Security Number: U.S. citizens need to provide their Social Security number. Non-U.S. citizens can use an Alien Registration number or another form of ID.
👶 Underage Applicants
- 17-Year-Olds: Must have consent from both parents or a legal guardian. The other party must be no more than two years older.
- Under 17: Marriage licenses cannot be issued.
💰 Fees & Payments
- Standard Fee: $86.00
- Reduced Fee: $61.00 (with a completed premarital course)
- Civil Ceremony: $30.00
Payments accepted:
- In-Person: Cash, Money Orders, Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express)
- By Mail: Money Orders or Checks (No Cash)
🏢 Where to Apply
You can apply in person at any of these Broward County locations:
- Fort Lauderdale: Central Courthouse, 540 SE 3rd Avenue, Room 02460
- Deerfield Beach: North Regional Courthouse, Room 160
- Hollywood: South Regional Courthouse, Room 160
- Plantation: West Regional Courthouse, Room 180
🕒 Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (Excluding Holidays)
💒 Marriage Ceremony
- Options: Have your civil ceremony performed at one of our Marriage Division locations after the license is effective.
- No Witnesses Required: Though recommended, witnesses are not required for a civil ceremony.
📋 Extra Info
- No Blood Tests: Required.
- Previous Marriages: Provide the exact date of your last divorce, death, or annulment if applicable.
- Certified Copies: Need a copy of your marriage license? Request it in-person or by mail.
Ready to tie the knot? Start your journey by applying for your marriage license online and make your special day stress-free!
Impact Family Inc.—helping you build a strong foundation for a lifetime of love. 💖
💍 Miami-Dade County Marriage License Guide: What You Need to Know 🌴
Getting married in Miami-Dade County? Here’s a simple guide to help you through the process! 👇
📝 Marriage License Basics
- Age Requirement: Both partners must be 18 or older to apply for a marriage license.
- Where It’s Valid: A Florida marriage license is valid anywhere in the state. If you’re getting married outside of Florida, you’ll need a license from that state or country.
- No Residency Needed: You don’t need to be a resident or citizen of Florida to get a marriage license here.
📅 Appointments & Walk-Ins
- Schedule an Appointment: Save time by scheduling an appointment for your license application or ceremony. Book your appointment here.
- Walk-Ins: Walk-ins are welcome, but you might experience longer wait times.
🆔 What to Bring
- Identification: Both parties need a valid photo ID (driver’s license, passport, military ID, etc.).
- Social Security: U.S. citizens must provide their Social Security number. Non-U.S. citizens can use an Alien Registration card, driver’s license, or passport number.
- Previous Marriages: If you’ve been married before, bring the exact date of your last divorce, death, or annulment.
📚 Pre-Marital Course & Waiting Period
- Florida Residents: You have a mandatory three-day waiting period unless you take a four-hour premarital course. The course also lowers the license fee to $61.
- Non-Florida Residents: No waiting period required.
- Find a Course: Use the Online Premarital Course Provider Directory to find a registered provider.
👰 Marriage Ceremony
- Ceremony Options: You can have your wedding at the Marriage License Bureau or with an ordained minister, judge, or public notary. The ceremony must occur within 60 days of the license issuance.
- Return the License: After the ceremony, return the signed license to the Marriage License Bureau within 10 days.
👶 Minors & Special Requirements
- 17-Year-Old Applicants: Need parental consent and other documents. The other party can’t be more than two years older.
- Under 17: Marriage licenses are not issued to anyone under 17.
🏢 Locations
- Central Marriage License Bureau: View Location
- District Court Locations: View Locations
💰 Fees & Payments
- Standard Fee: $86.00
- Reduced Fee: $61.00 with a completed premarital course.
- Ceremony Fee: Check the fee schedule for details.
🚀 Ready to Get Married?
Complete the online marriage license pre-application and schedule your appointment today! Let’s make your wedding day a breeze! 💒
Impact Family Inc.—helping you build a strong foundation for a lifetime of love. 💖
All Florida residents have a mandatory three-day waiting period before the marriage license becomes effective or have the option of attending a four-hour premarital course from a registered provider. The waiting period will be waived and the license will be discounted to $61 upon providing an original four-hour certificate of completion at the time application.
Online Premarital Course Provider Directory is available to assist you in locating a premarital course provider. The couple must present the original certificate of completion when applying for their marriage license. Non-Florida residents are exempt from the three-day waiting period.