Matchmaker Ministry

Connect with Purpose.
Love with Confidence.

Where Hearts Meet with Integrity and Depth

We understand that finding a life partner is about more than just shared interests; it’s about shared values, beliefs, and visions for the future. Our exclusive matchmaking service is tailored for individuals who are serious about finding a meaningful, long-term relationship. We offer an unparalleled journey towards love and companionship.

Why Choose Impact Vision?

Jack & Jhael Office Session

Jack & Jhael Hakimain

- Jack & Jhael Hakimian

Jack & Jhael Webcam Session

Jack & Jhael Hakimain

- Jack & Jhael Hakimian

The matchmaking intake session is an opportunity to learn more about each other, the benefits and sacrifices of this ministry, income based pricing, character and skills growth expectations and to asses if you as a client are a fit for this program and we are fit for your personality and stage of life. A good marriage is a serious emotional, financial, time and spiritual investment. We want our clients to count the cost in order to reap the benefits.