Jack Hakimian is a family man, entrepreneur, and kingdom servant-leader.
Jack Hakimian brings cultural diversity, scholarship, street knowledge, and compassion to his work.
His greatest assets are his faith and dependency on the Lord Jesus Christ, who saved his life while serving in the L.A. County Jail in 1992.
Jack has a Master’s Degree in Cross-Cultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary and a Bachelor of Arts (B.A). in Pastoral and Biblical Studies from Life Pacific College.
He is certified to teach and counsel from the Bible by the Evangelical Training Association and is a presidential member of the American Association of Christian Counselors. On March 26, 2014, Jack received a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for outstanding and invaluable service to the community by Congresswoman Frederica Wilson. He has over 30 years of apostolic (city missions/church planting), prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral, and teaching experience.
He founded and serves as a Christian Biblical Counselor with Impact Family Christian Counseling & Wellness.
He founded and operates Global Presence Enterprises. He and his team help business and nonprofit leaders grow their organizations. They provide business growth and marketing coaching, product consulation, and service implementation. Jack is a global thinker who tracks social and spiritual trends and how they are influencing our thoughts, feelings and behavoirs on community and personal level.
He has been doing cross-cultural community work since 1992 in L.A. and Miami’s African, Latino, Anglo, and Armenian communities.
The diversity of education and experiences has made him uniquely qualified for urban multi-cultural ministry.
As a half-Armenian and half-Liberian immigrant, he fled Monrovia, Liberia, Africa, in 1979 due to a Liberian coup d’état brought on by corruption in the government.
When he arrived in America, he experienced a culture shock. On his first day at school, a kid called him a “nigger” and wanted to fight him. This brought Jack into survival mode.
As a young boy, he was an exceptionally talented athlete and was groomed to play college and professional football. Running the 40-yard dash in 4.3 seconds, he was a star tailback and quarterback, achieving honorable mention in Riverside County CIF Football Division.
As a result of needing to be accepted and survive in the new American culture, he joined the Piru Blood Street gang of L.A.
From ages 14-19, he was in and out of correctional institutions and spent a total of three years incarcerated.
At age eighteen, he was almost killed several times and served six months in the L.A. County jail for selling crack cocaine.
There, he had a life-changing experience with Jesus Christ and received a call to help others as a Kingdom servant.
700 Club captured and aired his testimony on national television.
With a newfound perspective on life, he reunited with his family. He grew in his kingdom lifestyle as God reshaped his perspective on family, society, and economics.
He went from a human-centered morality to a God-centered ethical viewpoint. He believes God has given all humans basic laws of love to live by if we are to be “blessed” as individuals, families, and a nation.
He went from the perspective that the government can solve our local problems to one that believes solutions are best found through the family, church, and local community for-profit and nonprofit leaders.
Places where God can move directly upon people’s hearts and minds. Where freedom can be modeled and taught experientially.
These Christian views of personal rights, freedom of thought, family bonds, free-market enterprise, and virtue embedded in the human heart by God (Romans 2:14-16) motivate his cultural commentary, counseling, evangelism, discipleship, and kingdom activism.
His father was a businessman who escaped the war in Beirut, Lebanon, and the Liberian coup d’état. He taught Jack how to work hard and appreciate the opportunities America has granted them.
The prosperity his immigrant family had achieved in just thirty years in America was a living example that, in cooperation with God, hard work, and financial success is possible.
During his early period of faith, Jack enrolled in college and later graduated from school. While in the Seminary, he developed entrepreneurial skills in web design, marketing, and business development.
He also married Jhael Hakimian, and together they raised four gifted boys. Follow Jhael’s blog www.jhael.com.
Jhael has a B.S. in Education from Miami-Dade College and is actively engaged in our communities fighting for economic freedom and holistic prosperity. As she engages South Florida in Christian Counseling ministry, she aims to see families made whole through the Word of God.
Together, Jack and Jhael facilitate personal counseling sessions, small discipleship groups, and workshops on holistic Christian growth.
They believe the family, church, and private sector enterprise are the key to solving the social ills of our society. God is the only person who can forgive sins and change hearts!
This rich tapestry of background and education, experiences, failures, and triumphs have shaped and prepared Jack for the extraordinary task of ministry and healing in South Florida. We give God the glory for what He has done!
Watch Jack’s powerful testimony of how Jesus Christ saved him from a life of gangs and drugs, featured internationally on the 700 Club and the American Bible Society. For more insights, visit his blog at www.jackhakimian.com.
Jack Hakimian Ministries is a Celebration Bible Church and Impact Family Inc. ministry outreach.