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Marriage is often discussed in terms of earthly companionship, emotional fulfillment, and mutual support, but the biblical perspective stretches far beyond. Paul’s teachings in 1 Corinthians 7 offer a profound, somewhat radical, spiritual dimension to marriage that challenges contemporary norms and invites couples to consider their union in light of eternity. This blog explores how viewing marriage through an eternal lens can reshape our understanding and practice of this sacred covenant.

The Temporal Nature of Worldly Forms

Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 7 that “the present form of this world is passing away.” This scripture underscores the transient nature of our current lives, including the institutions and relationships within it. For married couples, this perspective is a call to focus on the eternal implications of their union rather than merely the temporal aspects.

Implication for Marriage: While it’s natural and good to seek happiness and fulfillment in marriage, couples are encouraged to also view their relationship as a mission and ministry that has eternal value. This involves prioritizing spiritual growth and godly impact over merely earthly satisfaction.

Undivided Devotion to the Lord

In verse 35 of the same chapter, Paul speaks about promoting good order and securing “undivided devotion to the Lord.” This statement provides a crucial balance to the way Christians are to approach marriage. It suggests that while marriage is important, it should not detract from one’s primary allegiance and devotion to God.

Implication for Marriage: Couples should strive to support one another in their individual and collective pursuits of God. This might mean encouraging each other’s spiritual disciplines, serving together in ministry, or simply praying together. The goal is to ensure that marriage becomes a means of drawing closer to God, not a distraction from Him.

Marriage and eternity with god

Living as Though They Had None

The admonition that “those who have wives should live as though they had none” is particularly challenging. This verse is not advocating neglect or emotional detachment, but rather, an attitude of independence in dependence on God. It points to the necessity of maintaining a strong personal relationship with God, irrespective of marital status.

Implication for Marriage: Cultivate a personal spiritual life that is robust and vibrant outside of your spouse’s influence. This can lead to a healthier, more balanced relationship where both partners bring strength and vitality to the marriage, rather than over-relying on the spouse for spiritual or emotional sustenance.

The Context of Christ and the Church

Ephesians 5, often quoted in discussions about marriage, indeed relates primarily to Christ and the Church, illustrating the relationship between husband and wife as a profound mystery that mirrors Christ’s love for the Church. This elevates the purpose of marriage from a mere human contract to a divine exemplar of unconditional love and sacrifice.

Implication for Marriage: Approach your marital roles with the sacrificial love and humility demonstrated by Christ. For husbands, this means loving selflessly; for wives, it involves respectful support. Together, couples can reflect the gospel in their relationship, offering a powerful testimony to the world around them.


Viewing marriage through the lens of eternity brings a transformative perspective that enriches the marital experience and deepens the couple’s spiritual journey. It challenges spouses to look beyond the temporal pleasures and struggles and to invest in values that hold eternal significance. By doing so, marriage becomes not just a pursuit of personal happiness but a lived expression of faith that honors God and furthers His kingdom on earth.


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